Friday 11 October 2013

Solar Energy UK, 2013

Few weeks ago I started my second year in Architectural Technology course in Birmingham City University and the first project was about sustainable houses. After I heard the assignment brief I knew that one of my key point will be solar energy.  Such uncharacteristically sunny summer left a great impression, I think, not only for me but for most people who had a thought to go a bit ‘green’ and use renewable solar energy in their house as well. Sadly the Solar Energy exhibition was after my project deadline. However, I still couldn’t miss the opportunity to gain more knowledge about renewable energy as I am sure it will be closely related with my future career.

The exhibition took place in the Birmingham NEC arena on 10th of October, where I and my colleague were greeted by welcoming staff. To admit my knowledge about solar panels was not very impressive. Nevertheless, after few hours we had spent there and all the leaflets I read (and took home) I could say that now solar panels are a little bit more familiar to me.

Solar Panel
I found out that there are so many different types and styles of solar panels and to pick the right one is not as easy as it might seem. There are a lot of criteria such us, location, roof type, direction the roof is facing, use of energy: solar water heating or solar electricity etc. Also, there were talking about solar farms, its profits for the owners and how to fix, secure and clean the solar panels.

Even though the solar panels are not such an old invention but its technology is improving so fast that it is a bit hard to keep up with it. Today was the first time I have heard about Solar Thermal Tube Panel (more info here), about the appliances for monitoring and managing PV work (some had such an elegant and great design that I felt necessity to get one, unfortunately, first I need to get PV) etc. SMA company attract my attention with Sunny View the device to track the plant data which shows not only how much energy it made, money you saved, weather forecast but also number of trees which would be necessary to avoid the same amount of CO2, it converts the amount of greenhouse gasses avoided into a car trip around the world and more.

Solar power borehole pump

To sum up, I think the exhibition was really successful. The show hall was quite busy even though we visit it on the last day. I am happy I haven’t missed the chance to gain more knowledge about solar energy. 

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